Sunday, July 10, 2011

Build your Self Respect

Self respect is one of the most valuable things you can have. It helps you feel worthy of happiness and the respect of others. It reminds you that you are a valuable person- simply by virtue of being alive.

It also sets a standard for others to follow. People take most of their cues from how we treat ourselves, so if you want to be treated with kindness and respect, make sure that you are setting a good example.

A healthy self respect encourages you to treat yourself well. Treating yourself with respect promotes happiness in various ways.

Firstly, if the person with whom you spend every waking minute-yourself- is a kind and nurturing companion, you will feel much happier than if you spend your life being criticized, neglected, and made to feel inadequate by yourself. It is truly good advice to be your own best friend.

It is a shame that most people are far nicer to everyone else than they are to themselves. If you find that you are always negative and critical in your thinking about yourself, I encourage you to really start trying to become a positive, inspiring friend to yourself instead.

Of course, like any bad habit, ridding yourself of negative self-talk and attitudes will take time. If you become aware of the need to correct this behavior though, and commit to making changes, you are well on the road to developing a healthy new self respect.

If you believe that you deserve happiness and fulfillment, you are very likely to attract and create circumstances that promote these conditions. By feeling that your happiness is a priority, you will be on the lookout for opportunities to do things you enjoy, and that are in line with your goals and desires. Knowing that you deserve to be happy, you will probably not pass up chances to be happy.

On the other hand, if you are stuck in a negative mindset, and you believe that everyone else’s happiness is more important than yours, you will possibly forego your chances for fulfillment with flimsy excuses such as time, money, or other ‘more pressing’ commitments.

We consciously and subconsciously set out to create an external life that matches our internal beliefs.

If you have a good level of self respect, clear ideas of what you want in life, and the belief that you can and should have what you want, it is very likely that you will seek and find opportunities to fulfill these desires. Knowing what you want is a very big factor in having what you want. If you only have a very vague notion of a better life, it is very hard to take concrete steps towards creating one.

We also draw positive people, situations, and energy to us when we reflect a positive attitude ourselves. The fact that upbeat people with an optimistic outlook and good self image constantly seem to ‘get all the breaks’ is no coincidence. In a world based on energy, we have incredible power to attract and repel things and people.

Have you noticed that as you become more positive, more loving, and open your mind to the unlimited possibilities in life, you tend to be surrounded with people who share these qualities? ‘Like attracts like,’ it is said, and ‘birds of a feather do flock together.’

If you look at the people around you and see a miserable, gray-faced bunch, it’s time for a good hard look in the mirror. The people you spend most time with are probably a fair reflection of your own mental attitude. Even if you have a generally good outlook in life, being around gloomy people all the time will definitely take its toll.

As well as assessing your own level of self respect and optimism, and committing to improving these areas if you feel they are under par, make it a priority to surround yourself with cheerful, positive people. They will inspire you- enthusiasm is just as contagious as negativity. I know which I would rather ‘catch!’

It is said that ‘friends are the gift you give yourself,’ so give yourself gifts that lift you up rather than drag you down!

Once you have decided to improve and nurture your self image, you then need to focus on strategies for creating increased self respect.

I find that one of the most powerful ways to eliminate negative beliefs, and create positive ones, is by using affirmations (powerful positive statements repeated frequently).

EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique can also be very effective in ridding yourself of emotional blocks and destructive thinking.

There are also many practical things you can do, such as focusing on your good qualities rather than the ones you see as bad. Be good to yourself. Practice saying ‘no’ when you don’t want to do something, and ‘yes’ when you do.

Make your happiness your priority. Do something you really love every day- even if it is only for a few minutes. Be gentle with yourself. Try not to expect too much from yourself. Give yourself time and space to just be yourself.

A strong, healthy self respect is one of the foundations of happiness and emotional well-being. It can help you through tough times, and inspire you to follow your heart and your dreams.